The port


The port of Torre Annunziata is a maritime hub of great importance, as it is located between the port of Naples and that of Salerno, near the A3 and A30 motorways; it is located in a strategic position and therefore it offers a solid opportunity for the disembarkation of goods on the Tyrrhenian Sea coast.

The port

The port of Torre Annunziata is one of the most important sea ports in Campania, located in an inlet of the Gulf of Naples, in the middle of the Tyrrhenian side of the Mediterranean Sea. Enclosed between two moorings, Levante pier and Crocelle quay, on which the goods are moved, the port of Torre Annunziata can count on two main quays for a total of 500 linear meters, about 40 m wide with depths up to 10 m, with a wide range of cranes, forklifts and operating machines. Its vocation is mainly commercial, so that the global movement of goods places it third place in the Campania region, after the ports of Naples and Salerno. The position of the port offers strategic links for logistics in central and southern Italy, thanks to the road connection to the A3 and A30 motorways and to the rail link to the national network. Thanks to the concessionary companies managing the logistics, the Port of Torre Annunziata has provided excellent structural and intermodal conditions.

Registered Office

Via Mergellina, 2
80122 Napoli


Molo di Levante, Interno porto
80058 Torre Annunziata (NA)


+39 0818621199

+39 081 8615992

+39 081 8615991

C.S.: € 801.400,00

C.F.: 00296280639

P.IVA 07390720634

REA - NA 249295
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